By Zachary Burgess

On Saturday, January 17, 8 Scouts and 3 adults got on their bikes at 9:00 a.m. and we all rode from Sequoia Elementary School trying to get to Negro Bar, approximately 23 miles away. We stopped for lunch at around 1 o’clock below the Sunrise Avenue Bridge. We kept riding and we got to Negro Bar at 2 ‘ish. Joe wasn’t there with our backpacks so Floyd taught us about GPS and geocaching. We then went out and tried to Geocache.

When Joe came we set up our tents. We changed and we went to do the Ice portion of our campout. Everybody did it. The water temperature was 52°F and outside was 70degrees. We went back and we started to cook dinner while some people played football. We had wonderful spaghetti. We then went to bed. The next morning we woke up and made pancakes.

Then we packed up camp and made our lunches for that day. We started riding at 11:00. We stopped for lunch at 1 isn at Cordova Park. We got back to the school at 2:15. Thank you to Floyd for organizing this wonderful campout.