On the 19th of April, barely a month since Skills Campout, we left for New Hogan Lake to compete in the annual Capital City District Spring Camporee. This year had a Celtic theme, and many scouts had brought kilts. For lack of an alternative, a team of our more bold scouts fashioned kilts out of a plaid patterned plastic table cloth and emblazoned the letters “TROOP 380” on the seats of their pants. What ensued should be obvious. We competed in various competitions, but in the end, there were more than we could attend in total. Nonetheless, we took home numerous awards, and built the same tower that we had constructed for Skills Campout in our campsite. We just about swept the dutch oven contest, as very few others entered. Our kites flew well, thanks to Charles Potter’s foresight in designing them. Sunday morning, a handful brave scouts and adults decided to do the polar bear swim. After they had dried off, we had a camp wide Scout’s Own service. We broke camp, and then left for Dave’s house to unload the trailer.