Scoutmaster Minute : 9-March-2025

Greetings All,

Yesterday was a particularly busy and rewarding Scouting Day for us in Troop 380- We want to extend a huge shout-out to Dustin for his exceptional coordination of the rock wall at the Rosemont Little League opening day. His leadership and organizational skills made the event a resounding success. We also want to express our heartfelt gratitude to Robert Mills, Steven Pennington, Landin Speer, Cooper Davis, Aiden Stewart and Sarah Milobar for their invaluable assistance at this event. Their hard work and dedication did not go unnoticed as I have received nothing but positive feedback from the Board members regarding our troop’s contribution.

Additionally I would like to thank all the adults and scouts who came out to help with the cleaning of the Connex containers and patrol boxes. Your efforts in maintaining our equipment and ensuring everything is organized are greatly appreciated.

Finally I want to express my gratitude to everyone who assisted Jullian Buell in completing his Eagle Scout project where they built four benches for the Black Miners Bar State Park. This project not only enhances the beauty of the park but also serves as a lasting legacy of our troop’s commitment to community service. Thank you all for your dedication and support—together we are making a meaningful impact!

Upcoming Activities:

  • Troop Meeting:  March 10th, 2025,  Tomorrow night, our patrols will be continuing the  practicing for the upcoming district spring camporee in April. We are preparing diligently to perform our best at each event. The practice sessions will help our scouts refine their skills and work together as a team.
    • Class A Uniforms
    • Sign up for Skills Campout
    • Sign up for Spring Camporee Campout
    • make payments for Summer Camp
  • Camp Royaneh: We are excited we are heading for Camp Royaneh during their 100th Anniversary Celebration.  We know summer camp is one of the most valuable experiences that a scout can participate in.  We are attending Camp Royaneh, near the Russian River, on July 13-19, 2025.  We still have a few openings for our week at camp.  Below is a list of campers so far.  Please see Dave Ishikawa if you would like to add to the list.  Remember we have camperships (financial assistance) available for families who may be facing challenges, but would like their scout to attend camp.
    1. Roy A
    2. Tiernan A
    3. Torsten A
    4. Isaac A
    5. Mason A
    6. Henry B
    7. Ethan B
    8. Kaine C
    9. Cooper D
    10. James C
    11. Ethan H
    12. Zeke K
    13. James K
    14. Joseph M
    15. Gio P
    16. Jaden P
    17. Conner P
    18. Jameson R
    19. Benjamin R
    20. Theo R
    21. Kelsner S
    22. Landin S
    23. Peter T
    24. Ray T
    25. Owen T
    26. Andrew W
    27. Tressa L
    28. Sarah M
    29. Emily M
    30. Arwyn P
    31. Savanah W

We will be having a special Summer Camp Meeting on Monday, March 17, 2025.  All Scouts and at least one parent of the scout attending camp is required to attend this meeting.  It will follow our regular Troop Meeting.   Attendance will be very important since we will discuss required forms, merit badge and program selection, transportation, what to bring and expectations.  Please let us know if you cannot attend this important meeting.

  • Russian River Canoe Trip: Prior to attending Camp Royaneh we are offering a very special opportunity to canoe down the beautiful Russian River.  We will leave early on the morning of Saturday, July 12, 2025 to launch our canoes on the river.  We will take a leisurely float from Forestville to Guerneville.  After pulling canoes out of the water we will proceed to Camp Royaneh for an early arrival.  Since we are a day early to Royaneh we will Bar B Que and enjoy a night of relaxation before the rest of the Troop arrives.  Scouts can opt to do the canoe trip or come on the following day, July 13th, with the remainder of the troop.   We will have a limited number of spots in the watercraft, so sign up at the Troop Meeting beginning on Monday.  An additional fee will be charged for this special event.  Scouts not attending camp may also participate in the Canoe Trip, but parents must help with transportation.
  • Skills Camp Out: March 21-23, 2024.  Don’t miss out on the chance to sign up for the skills campout before it’s too late. The departure time from  Nyecon Inc. (3780 Happy Lane)  is set for 5:30pm on Friday evening, and we will be heading to Folsom Lake State Park. Make sure your scouts pack a dinner for Friday so they can enjoy a meal during the journey. This annual event is the perfect opportunity for our scouts to hone their skills. The older scouts will take on the responsibility of teaching the younger ones, passing on their knowledge and expertise. Thanks to the hard work of Drew Walters, Nate Roth, and Nathan Davis, we are well-prepared for what is shaping up to be an exciting weekend. Prepare yourself for a memorable camping trip filled with delicious food, exciting activities, and valuable lessons.
  • Three Rivers District Awards Night: Thursday, March 20, 2025, 6:45 PM, at the Buddhist Church of Sacramento.  Let’s all get out and attend this special event honoring our top leaders.  Troop 380 will have a very special group of scouters begin honored.  Here are our honorees:
    • Matt Okamoto – District Award of Merit (highest honor at the district level)
    • Jim Buell   – Phil Bollhoefer Spirit of Scouting Award (A special award to recognize Scout Spirit in Leadership)
    • Scouts BSA Scouter of the Year – Robert Mills
    • Scouts BSA Scouter of the Year – Becky Walters
    • Unit Family of the Year Award  –  Belt Family (Tim, Giuliane, Nicky)
    • Unit Family of the Year Award  –   Nye Family (Bruce, Carol)
    • Eagle Scout Class of 2024 – Joshua Walters
    • Eagle Scout Class of 2024 – Charlie Cuttle
    • Eagle Scout Class of 2024 – Martin Long
    • Eagle Scout Class of 2024 – Tyler Woodhull

Congratulations to all our Award Recipients.  Let’s support our scouters, Please join us at this special evening of awards and fellowship.  A sign up sheet will be available at the Troop Meeting to reserve your spot.  Refreshments will be served following the presentations.   There is no cost to attendees.  Many thanks to Michelle Ronshausen and the district for hosting this event.

  • Three Rivers Spring Camporee: April 4th-6th, 2025. We are eagerly anticipating this exciting district campout where troops and patrols will compete against each other. As we prepare for this event, our troop will focus on practicing the various activities during our upcoming meetings. This campout is a great opportunity for us to bond as a team and showcase our skills in a fun and competitive environment. We are looking forward to the challenges and adventures that await us, and we are determined to give our best effort to succeed. We are excited to see how each member of our troop will contribute to our overall success and how we will work together to achieve our goals.
  • Spring Court of Honor: Monday, April 28th, 7:00 PM. Parents and Scouts, mark your calendars for a memorable evening dedicated to recognizing our progress and achievements following the Winter Court of Honor. Anticipate a delightful surprise awaiting all those in attendance. Ensure you do not overlook this essential gathering celebrating merit badges, promotions in rank, and the presentation of well-earned awards!
  • Camp Cards: These $5.00 cards are a simple and hassle-free way to raise funds for our scout group. By selling each card, you will receive a generous 50% credit towards your scout account, which can help cover expenses for upcoming activities and events. This year’s card showcases popular stores making it an attractive option for potential buyers. To get started, simply reach out to Tim Belt to collect your packet of cards and begin fundraising today.

Yours in Scouting,


Michael Speer

Scoutmaster T-380

(916) 236-8938