The VERY Active and VERY Hardworking Adult Leaders of Troop 380

The day-to-day operations of the program are run by the Scoutmaster. The scoutmaster oversees the meetings, activities, campouts, and long-range planning of the troop.

  • Scoutmaster – Michael Speer

The troop has several assistant Scoutmasters who assist with their responsibilities.

  • Advancement ASM – Gary Smilkstein, Rainbow Prince
  • Eagle Advancement ASM – Dustin Trute
  • ASMs at Large: Dave Ishikawa, Neil Ishikawa, Nathan Davis, Bruce Nye, Cory Stewart, Mike Bogue, Nathaniel Roth, Amber Long, Phil Long, Jim Buell, Katie Hammond, Travis Huston, Kevin Cameron, Paul Babby, Elizabeth Leonard, Joan Stretars, Mary Brown
  • Clothes Closet ASM – Jim Buell
  • Finance ASM and Troop Treasurer – Carol Nye and Tim Belt

We also have several adults who chair fundraising and community service projects: Chris Ishikawa, Elizabeth Ruygt, Michelle Ronshausen, Becky Walters, Alison Milobar

Parent Committee

The Troop Committee consists of the parents of each Scout and other committed Scouters. We typically meet on the last Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm at the Emmanuel Baptist Church. This meeting is for adults only.

The Committee discusses troop business, including fundraisers, activities, procedures, and other items. It also hears presentations of Eagle Scout projects, reports from the Scout leadership, and general information. This is your best opportunity to hear what is going on with the troop, participate in the decisions being made, and volunteer for parent participation.

Our current committee leaders are:

  • Chairperson – Alison Milobar
  • Secretary – Becky Walters
  • Treasurer – Carol Nye
  • Trading Post – Leslie Ishikawa
  • Gopher – Cindy Brock
  • Fundraising Chair – Chris Ishikawa

Parent Committee Meetings Notes

To view previous Notes from Parent Committee Meetings, click here.

You can view them and make comments for corrections and acceptance. Please note comments are note monitored for questions. If you have suggestions for changes on notes please submit those before the next committee meeting when Note will be accepted in to the records.

Parent Participation

All parents in the troop are invited and expected to participate in the troop. You can get as involved as you would like, from bringing cookies to a Court of Honor to heading up an activity or major fundraiser. The parent participation in our troop has always been high, and parents are a major factor in the success of this troop. Also, more times than not, the Scouts whose parents are active in the troop are often the most successful. They learn by example: If it is important to you, it will be important to them.

Troop 380 encourages parent participation in all activities. Parents are always welcome, though we discourage siblings, as it is a Scout event. If your Scout is new to the troop, be sure to give them some independence and let them go on the first few campouts on their own. They will learn more and get to know their fellow Scouts better.

Please note: If you do want to attend an event with scouts that is more than 24 hours or become an adult leader you must:

          • register with Scouts BSA (including registration fees)
          • take Youth Protection training (1 hour, yearly)
          • complete California AB506 training (2 hours)
          • complete and sign the Background Check Consent Form
          • Complete live Scan fingerprinting (cost)

We always need drivers for our campouts and activities. You can stay with us if you want, or just drop off the Scouts and return home. 

Not sure how to volunteer? Look on the front table for sign-up sheets for fundraisers, attend troop Committee meetings, or go with your Scout on an activity.

The adults in our troop (they are called Scouters) give a tremendous amount of time to provide your child with the finest experience in Scouting. We believe that Scouting is an outstanding program for youth and Troop 380 will have a major role in your child’s life. In exchange for our time, we ask the following from you:

  • Get to know us – You should know the people who take your kid on campouts & trips.
  • Pick your Scout up on time from campouts and meetings
  • Provide proper uniforms and equipment and make sure your Scout is appropriately dressed for all activities.
  • Be involved! Provide rides to campouts; help out with activities, etc.
  • Attend Courts of Honor. They are only four times per year and your Scout needs you there when they receive an award. And even if your Scout isn’t receiving anything, the other Scouts deserve an audience for their accomplishments.
  • Pay your dues and other expenses on time. We can’t provide the activities and equipment if we don’t receive our funds promptly.

Thank you for being a part of Troop 380. It takes all of your consideration and support to make this troop successful.

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