Sugar Pine Point Snow Campout

Snow Camp Out was a success.  Despite our 5 hour drive home, the scouts had a good time.
Thank you to all the adults who drove and spent the weekend at Sugar Pine Point.  Phil, Kim, Mike E., Mike B. and Neil, thank you for driving.  Mike B. thank you for pulling the trailer.
Daniel, Christopher and Drew did a good job of providing leadership.
  • 22 Scouts
    • 6 Scouts G
    • 16 Scouts B
  • 6 Adults
Thank you to Roshi and Darian for assisting with the shopping.
Snow Shoes: The snow shoes worked out well.  Thank you to those who brought their own shoes.
Equipment:  We found out the new adult tents don’t hold snow load (they collapse).  Lucky it didn’t snow too much before we woke up.  Thank you to Mike B. for bringing the firewood.  It sure came in handy!
All in all a good weekend.  We still need to emphasize extra clothing and real water proof clothing.  It is good to do a first snow camp out as an overnighter.  Klondike will require better preparation.