Scoutmasters Minute – 1/26/2025

Greetings All,

 I hope everyone is having an enjoyable and relaxing weekend.

Please take a moment to read the information below regarding some upcoming events that you won’t want to miss!

  • Troop Meeting: Monday January 27 2025: Please remember to wear your Class A uniform. We will be starting our next round of merit badges.
  • We Need Everyone at Pizza Night! 🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕🍕 – Don’t forget our BIG fundraising night on Tuesday, January 28, 2025, at Roundtable Pizza at 9138 Kiefer Blvd.  Any purchases with our flyer will benefit not only Troop 380, but the Scouts in Southern California.  We have been sending home flyers for the past two months.  We will have more at the Troop Meeting on Monday.  Remember that purchases all day from lunch until closing count.  The out orders count too!  We will also host our monthly Troop Parent Meeting at Roundtable at 7:00 PM, so come join us for the meeting and dinner.  See you on Tuesday.  Dave and Chris
  • Troop Parent Meeting: Tuesday,  January 28, 2025  , 7:00 PM, at the Round Table Pizza. Alison Milobar would like all parents to come out and support your scout and the troop by participating in our monthly parent meeting. Please show your support by attending our monthly meetings. Not only will you learn about the troop, but you will be helping to create a wonderful program for your scout.
  • Scout Sunday: Sunday, February 9, 2025.  Paul Babby and Nathan Ko will be leading our annual observance of Scout Sunday.  We will take part in the church services and provide a thank you luncheon for the church membership.  This is our way of demonstrating our Duty to God.  We also take this opportunity to thank the church for supporting Troop 380.  All Scouts and parents are encouraged to attend.
  • ASPL Elections: Would you like to lead the troop for the next year?  Candidates for Assistant Senior Patrol Leader must declare by Monday February 3rd.  We will meet with candidates and their parents on Monday, February 10th 28th before the Troop Meeting at 6:00 PM.  You will serve as ASPL from March 2024 to October 2025 and as Senior Patrol Leader from November 2025 to February 2026.  This leadership position will serve as ASPL at both summer camps and lead the 2025 Winter Court of Honor. Please see me if you are interested in running for this position.  Elections will be held at the February 10th Troop Meeting.
  • Klondike Derby: February 21-23 2025 – Get ready for an exhilarating camporee in the snow, an exciting event hosted by our district that promises fun and adventure for all participants. As always we are thrilled about the opportunity to compete against other troops from the Three Rivers District as well as various council units. This event not only fosters camaraderie among scouts but also challenges their skills in a winter setting. Be sure to look for sign-up information at our next meeting where you can secure your spot. If you have any questions or need further details please do not hesitate to reach out to Nate Roth at nathanielroth@gmail. com. We can’t wait to see you there!
  • Scouting for Food:  Saturday, March 1st, 8:30 AM – 3:00 PM.  Scouting for Food is our annual project that will help those less fortunate.  We will collect food in the Rosemont neighborhood and donate the food to the Rancho Cordova Food Closet.  Troop 380  annually collects well over two tons of food during the project.  Our expectation is that all Scouts participate in this project.  We need 100% participation so we can cover our area.  Please see Kiah McDowell or Katy Hammond if you would like to assist with the project.  Look for sign ups in the near future.
  • 2026 National Jamboree: Scouts, leaders or parents interested in participating in the 2026 National Jamboree at the Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia are encouraged to attend a special information and sign up meeting on Saturday, February 15, 2025, 10:00 AM at the New Council Service Center at 3851 North Freeway Blvd, Suite 100, Sacramento.  We will also offer a Zoom option.  Interest has been high so get ready to sign up soon.  Information will be on the GEC website soon.

Yours in Scouting,


Michael Speer

Scoutmaster T-380B