Scoutmaster Minute – 25 Aug 2024

Greetings All,

Last Monday our golf night was a resounding success with more than 60 enthusiastic golfers in attendance. We owe a huge thank you to Gary Smilkstein for his exceptional preparation which made the evening truly outstanding. The lead-up lessons and the actual golfing experience were both enjoyable and rewarding. Additionally we extend our gratitude to Mike Bogue for the delicious barbecue spread that he provided for all participants. The combination of great company, excellent instruction and tasty food made for a memorable evening. We were thrilled to see such a fantastic turnout and look forward to many more successful golf nights in the future.

Troop Summer Court of Honor: Monday, August 26, 2024, 6:30 PM, at the Church.  All parents and scouts are invited to attend our Court of Honor.  We will present summer camp patches and recognition, merit badges, advancement ranks, leadership certificates, attendance awards, ILST patches and Golf Night prizes.  Don’t miss your chance to receive your recognition for summer activities.   Remember parents need to be on hand to be part of the presentation of advancement. Also part of the evening will be a presentation of the 2024 Troop Calendar.  We will have a cooling refreshment following the Court of Honor.  Class A Uniforms please.

Troop Parent Meeting: Tuesday, August 27, 2024, 7:00 PM, Atonement Lutheran Church.  All parents are highly encouraged to attend our monthly meetings.  This meeting will be of particular importance as we will discuss the  2025 Program Calendar that was planned by our Scouts.  Please plan on supporting our scouts and the troop by being part of these important meetings.  We need your support.

Yosemite Camp Out and Service Project: September 6-8, 2017.We are looking forward to camping at one of the most beautiful parks in the world. Once again we have been invited to perform a service project at Yosemite National Park.   We will be staying two nights and taking part in a one day project, but we’ll have plenty of time to see the falls, hike the trails, and view the granite cliffs.

Fall Merit Badges:  Our next round of merit badges will be starting on September 9th. We are currently seeking counselors who are willing to offer a badge during the fall months. If you are interested in helping out please contact me. Thank you for your support in advance.

Save the Dates:

  • Troop Open House – Monday, September 23, 2024, at the Church.  We will invite the packs to join us for a special display of scouting at its best.  Please invite potential members to Open House.
  • Complete Anglers Weekend Campout:  September 27-29, 2024, at Gibson Regional Park.  Don’t miss this opportunity to earn three merit badges in one weekend.  This Golden Empire Council event will be a special weekend where scouts can earn Fishing, Fly Fishing and Fish and Wildlife Management Merit Badges, plus a special Complete Angler Award.
  • Rosemont Community Celebration – Saturday, September 28, 2024, at Rosemont Park – Help with the troop booth and recruiting new members.
  • Eternal Flame Camp Out – October 18-20, 2024, at Dry Creek Ranch House – A great weekend event with multiple troops from all over the Sacramento area.  Also an opportunity to participate in a flag retirement ceremony.
  • Pumpkin Patch – Saturday, October 12, 2024,  Keemas Pumpkin Patch   – Our annual costume and Halloween event.  This year we plan to invite more Cub Scouts to this haunting evening.
  • Veterans Day Parade – Monday, November 11, 2024, Elk Grove.  We will honor those who served our great nation with a presentation of the Garrison Flags.  Scouts and adults in uniform are invited to take part in this event. If you have a family member who is a Veteran, please extend an invitation to march in the parade with our troop and pack.
  • Recruitment Campout – November 8-10, 2024, Black Minors Bar State Park.  We are inviting all AOL scouts and individuals of scouting age to join us for a traditional troop camping trip. This is a great opportunity to showcase the camping experience to potential new members of Troop 380-  Come help us show these potential members all about Troop 380 camping.

Yours in Scouting,
Michael Speer