Safetyville – Halloween Haunt

By Mark Stretars, Assistant Scoutmaster

Halloween was upon us and the annual Safetyville Halloween Haunt was scheduled for October 22, 2011. The morning dawned clear and warm, different from the previous year’s Haunt that dampened many a young trick-or-treater’s spirits. Eleven adults and older youth from Troop 380 and Crew 380 met at 10:00 a.m. to prepare for the day’s initial task of directing traffic into the large predominantly unmarked parking lot and then assisting young trick-or-treaters and their families through the parking maze to the festivities. As the day progressed 380 staff were diverted for a bite to eat and then helped pick up litter. Don Dier appeared during the day to snap a few pictures of the event and the 380 helpers. Thanks to all who came out for this worthy cause.