By Corey Reynolds

On June 28 the troop met at Sequoia Elementary School early in the morning in preparation. Money was turned in as were medications and medical forms. By around 7 a.m. all of the gear was loaded and the Scouts were divided up into cars. From this point, the troop traveled to Camp Royaneh. It was around ten o’clock when the troop made it to camp. After eating their sack lunch, the Scouts gathered their gear as they made their way up to their campsite, where they stowed away their packs and brought out troop gear. Not long after having organized the cabin/patrols as well as troop gear, the troop was taken on a camp tour where they found out where the different merit badges were as well as learning where the troop dining tables were and working on swim checks. At 5 p.m. all of the troops in camp were called to the parade field for evening flags and announcements. After dinner the troops were dismissed to their campsites as they prepared for the evening activities. The particular activity for that night was the opening campfire, where the staff put on skits and songs. After the campfire, the Scouts returned to their camps and were in bed by the time “Taps” was called.

The next morning the scouts woke up and got ready for morning flags. During flags, and every flag gathering afterwards that week, announcements on the day’s activities were given as well as general information. Following flags, breakfast was served as a staff member would read off sections of the newspaper; such as the weather and temp, headline news, and sports statistics. After breakfast, the scouts prepared for their morning sessions, where they learned about their subjects and worked toward earning the merit badge. By around noon the scouts were dismissed for lunch put on by the kitchen staff. Following lunch, the SPL would go to a meeting to get information on the evening’s activities to be taken back to their troops. For Troop 380, this was also the time that any mail gathered that day was passed out. Following this, the scouts would get ready for their afternoon sessions. By 5 p.m. the scouts were dismissed to their camps and got ready for evening flags and dinner. After dinner all troops went back to their camps for evening activities. For the most part, this became the routine of the week.

But the week was also filled with a bunch of other fun stuff. Polar bear on a couple mornings, a camp wide basketball tournament, and open shoot at all field sports wee only a few of the numerous options available to all scouts. Aside from the different troubles that did spring up throughout the week, everyone had a great time at camp. Over 40 Scouts and adults attended, including members of Troop 601.

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