home-logoIt was the morning of June 24th on which we made the last big leap through Yellowstone National Park in order to reach Camp Buffalo Bill. Upon arriving at camp we had to wait for some of the staff to arrive, in order for us to acquire our camp assignment; then we unpacked all our personal gear from the cars and trailer which we moved to the camp. Not a second after we had finished unpacking than four of the best staff guides you could ever meet came to our camp to give us a run down on the basic camp rules and activities. They gave us a quick tour of camp. The strangest thing that happened at camp was when the camp program director and two merit badge teachers come to the closing ceremony playing bagpipes! The next day Dave came to pick us up and we said our last farewell to beautiful Camp Buffalo Bill on that morning of Tuesday July 3rd. This camp was one of the best camps I have ever been to and the only one with a metal working and aviation merit badges and a rafting program! All of those who came to camp had a great time and any us will tell you that it was worth every dollar.